




About Ahd Child


A writer of poetry and stories from a young age, Ahd Child began writing and recording lyrics in 1998. In 2002 he joined the rock/hip-hop fusion band The Left as a lyricist and began to share his words on stage. While working with The Left, Ahd Child began to educate himself on the musical and technical aspects of song making. By the end of the band's time together, Ahd Child had expanded beyond being just the vocalist and front man for the group - he participated in writing many of the band's later songs.

After The Left broke up, Ahd Child met and began to work with the team that would eventually become the label/collective known as ThorTakeOver. With the help of his fellow artists, he continued to educate himself in many aspects of music making - from production to composition to engineering. It was also during this period that Ahd Child began the experimentation with various forms of electronic music which eventually lead to his 2006 release, Meeting of Minds. Reverse Psychology, Ahd Child’s second full length release, marked his return to his hip-hop roots as it simultaneously showcased his composition, production and lyrical talents.

Ahd Child draws on a wide variety of influences that combine to give his music a sound and lyrical content that constantly make it stand out from the pack. The reggae and soca he was raised on in a West Indian household, the classical music he was exposed to while spending much of his childhood taking piano lessons, the soul, rock, and electronic music he discovered on his own as he got older, all of these elements can be heard in the music he currently makes. Ahd Child is accustomed to hearing variety, and when making music he embraces variety. The resulting product always ends up being quite atypical of whatever genre one is moved to classify it in. Anyone who hears his music quickly learns that Ahd (pronounced odd) Child truly deserves his name.

Currently Ahd Child continues to write and produce his own projects. Additionally through his studio, 828 recording, Ahd Child provides recording, engineering and additional production services to fellow ThorTakeOver members and artists (Godhead, Mekz One, Grease Monkeys, Magnum Opus). His clientele has also included internationally known artists such as Malik B of The Roots and Cee Knowledge of Diggable Planets, as well as many artists local to Philadelphia.



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